Why choosing Polyfaser

A glass-fibre reinforced plastic pool (GRP) from Polyfaser is …
-durable and designed for decades of constant use
-heat-insulating thanks to the low thermal conductivity of polyester
-quickly installed and ready to be used
-convenient in acquisition and subsequent costs
-favorable in maintenance, cleaning, commissioning and winter break
-weather-resistant and passive to extreme temperature fluctuations between summer and winter
-highly versatile thanks to our broad range of models and designs
-perfectly stable, guaranteed by various official examination procedures

Why not see for yourself!

We are there for you

Give us a call. We'd be happy to help you.


Polyfaser SPA
Via Pineta 99
I-39026 Prato allo Stelvio (Bolzano)
+39 0473 616 180
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