The unbeatable pool trio: Helmut, Horst and Manfred Wagmeister

To keep the shop humming and the machine running smoothly, everyone has to pull together. Hardly anywhere else is this as exciting as in a family business. Because when siblings become business partners, a lot of care and indulgence, a lot of emotional competence and an irrepressible will to tackle and stick together is required.
At Polyfaser, all good things come in threes since 2007. Manfred, Horst and Helmut have been managing our company together ever since. Each in their own way, each with their individual strengths, but with a shared, irrepressible passion for the best pools under the sun. Actually, each of the three Polyfaser bosses deserves their own blog entry, but starting with whom? But the three are used to being mentioned in the same breath and so they don't mind at all (we asked them!) if we start with a joint round of introductions.

Far-sighted numbers man: Horst Wagmeister
The eldest siblings generally have the reputation of being sensible and level-headed - a real role model for the younger ones. Horst Wagmeister is no different. He was born in 1962 as the first child of Elda and Josef in Laces. Apart from leisure time and holidays, Horst really immersed himself in the world of pools in the early 1980s. It quickly became clear: his world is numbers! An eye for detail, a precise way of working and a high degree of conscientiousness are among the absolute strengths of the eldest of the three Wagmeister brothers. His farsightedness and circumspection are still in demand today. Quick fixes are not his thing. Because as Horst always says: "You have to think outside the box! 

Just like his father: Helmut Wagmeister
If you ask the other family members which of the three brothers is most like their father, the answer is unanimous: Helmut! Because the second-born of the Wagmeister brothers has definitely inherited the "thinking ahead" and the "doing and always wanting to be better" from "Tata". But he actually wanted to emigrate to Canada. Or at least become a chef and see a bit of the big wide world. He was able to travel as a passionate pool fitter, but he looks back on his apprenticeship years in the polyfibre office with mixed feelings. After all, mother Elda was a strict boss. When it comes to innovations, Helmut is in his element. Without him, Polyfaser's "round pools" and legendary one-piece pools might never have existed. 

Positive judge of character: Manfred Wagmeister

We think he would have been an excellent diplomat, our Manfred. His negotiating skills and feel for people are legendary. The whole Polyfaser family benefits from this and so the youngest of the Wagmeister brothers often plays the role of "shock absorber" between Helmut's and Horst's points of view. His positive attitude and craftsmanship also impressed Manfred's bosses at BMW in Munich. How glad we are that he decided to join the family business in 1989: as a "tuttofare", a skilled all-rounder with a weakness for all things motorised.

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